Monday Meal Prep, Dinner Plans and Cooking Shows

Monday, July 25 The bee sting I got yesterday feels much better today. It still itches like crazy and occasionally, I get a shooting pain but I’m so glad that the constant pain of yesterday is gone! Monday Meal Prep Yesterday, while Jason did the grocery shopping and before I was stung, I made theContinue reading “Monday Meal Prep, Dinner Plans and Cooking Shows”

Bridgerton, Netflix

I love period dramas and comedies. I usually love anything Jane Austin. Generally speaking, anything in Medivel garb or empire waist garb, I will try! Of course, my husband is not so much into period dramas (or comedies, for that matter) but will occasionally watch with me. We put off watching Bridgerton because we heardContinue reading “Bridgerton, Netflix”