Monday Meal Prep, Dinner Plans and Cooking Shows

Monday, July 25 The bee sting I got yesterday feels much better today. It still itches like crazy and occasionally, I get a shooting pain but I’m so glad that the constant pain of yesterday is gone! Monday Meal Prep Yesterday, while Jason did the grocery shopping and before I was stung, I made theContinue reading “Monday Meal Prep, Dinner Plans and Cooking Shows”

Murdoch Mysteries and Other Things

Friday, June 15th Murdoch Mysteries We finished watching another episode of Murdoch Mysteries and I’ll be waiting impatiently for the next episode! One of my favorite characters is George Crabtree. He’s just a sweetie! He may not be the smartest guy in the world but he works hard, he’s kind and he does the bestContinue reading “Murdoch Mysteries and Other Things”

A Quiet Sunday

Sunday, July 10th Yesterday, we had the best evening with our friends, Erum and Peter. Today, we are having a quiet day at home. Because of my sleep disorder, despite being tired last night and wanting to go to sleep at 12:30/1:00 am, I didn’t actually sleep until after 6am. And today, I’m really veryContinue reading “A Quiet Sunday”

Buttercup’s Monthly Doctor Appointment

Now that Buttercup has become an elderly bunny, she sees her veterinarian, Dr. Haskin, about once per month. I really can not say enough good things about Dr. Haskin and her team! You can find them at I could bring Buttercup less often to see Dr. Haskin but lately Buttercup needs a dental aboutContinue reading “Buttercup’s Monthly Doctor Appointment”

A Restful Saturday

Saturday, we were too tired after a long week to attempt any of the Md Ice Cream Trail . Instead, we stayed home. Jason played on his computer and I wrote. Later in the day we ended up googling and daydreaming about possible vacation spots. We probably won’t actually be able to go anywhere thisContinue reading “A Restful Saturday”

A Lazy Sunday

Today feels like the definition of a lazy summer Sunday. The weather is perfect. Temperatures are in the mid to high 70s, a breeze is blowing and the trees are shading the back yard. My husband loved his father’s day gifts and now he’s content to do nothing more than browse news stories and RedditContinue reading “A Lazy Sunday”

Bridgerton, Netflix

I love period dramas and comedies. I usually love anything Jane Austin. Generally speaking, anything in Medivel garb or empire waist garb, I will try! Of course, my husband is not so much into period dramas (or comedies, for that matter) but will occasionally watch with me. We put off watching Bridgerton because we heardContinue reading “Bridgerton, Netflix”

A Moody Christmas and The Moodys, Australian Tv Show

If you’ve ever been to a crazy family gathering and probably most of us have at some time or other, I think you will appreciate this show. Or, if you’re the kind of person that often feels like, the family “in your head, is not the family that shows up”, you might even be noddingContinue reading “A Moody Christmas and The Moodys, Australian Tv Show”

Derry Girls

From the time we turned on Derry Girls until the end of season 2, we never stopped laughing! This show is absolutely hilarious and from Erin Quinn to “the wee English fella” the entire cast is fantastic! There are so many great lines that I can’t even pick a favorite. For reasons I really don’tContinue reading “Derry Girls”

W1A – TV Series

My husband and I just finished watching the Mockumentary W1A. W1A is a comedy/Mockumentary about a team of people that work at the BBC headquarters, new Boardcasting House, “somewhere in London”. Basically, it’s the BBC making fun of itself and it’s doing a great job! Just as most documentaries are narrated, W1A is narrated byContinue reading “W1A – TV Series”